yesterday. Took it out to Stony today with John S & did the 3 loops.
It was fun, it halls and carries great momentum. Pretty rough ride
with 40 psi in the tires. If I can figure out how to run 22-25 lbs in
the tires I think it would be perfect. I'm gonna see if Brian B can
make some recommendations on making Stan's work on this rig, if anyone
can figure it our he can. I rode up to the cider mill with Shelby and
everyone wanted to know "what your bike for" I was talking with Ryan
@ KLM and he gave me the sign they made for the bike that said "This
Bikes for Fun" everyone that came in the shop asked "what's that bike
for" so I told folks it was for fun. Supprisingly it held pretty
good in the turns, bigest issue I had was the ride being really
rough. Maxxis makes a downhill tire called the High Roller that will
be perfect for this thing and make it a killer "Snow Bike". Here is a
link to the pictures.
Any ideas on how to make stans work on this thing would be
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1 comment:
I forgot the link, here it is
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